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July 15, 2015Jewelry Education

A Day at the Beach? Leave your ring at home

new-jersey-shore Beautiful New Jersey Beach–enjoy it without your engagement ring. It's that time of the year when Jersey Girls head to the beach. While making your list of what to bring, add to the list what NOT to bring–your engagement ring.Every girl likes to look her best, but she wouldn't bring her best bag or designer shoes to the beach, so why would she wear her engagement ring? It's a security risk as well as a maintenance issue. At Roman Jewelers, we always educate customers to insure their jewelry–especially their precious engagement rings. While it does provide added security, there are still days where your ring should be left at home–like a day at the beach where it can be lost or stolen. The beach and ocean will make locating your ring virtually impossible if it should slip off and taking it off while swimming isn't a good idea either. Taking it off and placing it in a bag, of course, is a security risk, no matter how hidden you think it may b e. Why not drop your ring off at Roman Jewelers  if you will be at the beach for a few days?  We we will inspect and clean it for you . With the ultrasonic, it is deep cleaned, something your cleaner at home does not do, and it is free of charge. Enjoy the beach and rest easy that your ring is safe.